Auto Electric Service

Auto Electric Service - Head Office

Regina Location

1360 Broad Street
Regina, SK S4R 1Y5

Phone: (306) 525-2551
Toll Free: (800) 552-8746
Fax: (306) 525-4329

Hours of Operation
Monday – Friday:  8:00 am – 5:00 pm

Bob Jaworski

President and General Manager

Brenda Gelowitz

Vice President and CFTO

Larry Pady

Corporate Sales Manager

Jen Fox

Corporate Development & Marketing Manager

Our Head Office is located on the second floor of the Regina branch at 1360 Broad Street. Here, a number of individuals form an integral part of the AES team focusing on the business coordination of the entire company.

Departments include: Sales and Marketing, Human Resources, Accounts Payable, Accounts Receivable, Purchasing, and Desk Top Publishing.

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